(7 - user rating)

The Burbs are back, prepare yourself for sub wave pressure, glitchy techno baselines melded with drum and bass beats and a sprinkling of acoustic flavours, once again the duo step up to the plate with two tunes that encompass everything great about melodic drum and bass, the diversity of the music while enabling deep enough frequencies to rock you on the dance floor or chill you out at home.

"Sea Life" starts off very calm yet it is a fairly dark track with melodic flavours enabling you to sneak this one in to the unaware listeners, a fairly mellow intro but once the track drops you are head high in deep trancy baselines which will get eye balls rolling into the back of your head and the mash heads on the dance floor rushing their tits off.

"History" is on the B side and yet for me, this is my preferred of the two tunes, starting off with a very acoustic vibe, an old school piano feel with deep strings filling the background, but just like "Sea Life" once this track drops, expect to see a reaction from the crowds, within seconds the track changes from an acoustical chilled out feeling into a bass heavy tune with energy literally pouring out of the speakers, without a doubt this release is a Weapon of Mass Vibration.

These two tracks wont be out until the end of August, so there is a little time to wait yet, but this release is a precursor to an LP which will be dropping later this year, so keep your ears close to the ground for this one. It is clear to see that The Burbs are not sticking to a particular style or sound, focusing solely on diversity and high class production instead, nice one guys.

Cat No: JFR021 - August 22 2011
01: The Burbs - Sea Life
02: The Burbs - History
Purchase this release soon from here...

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