08 December 2012
|Now that 4g is starting to get rolled out across the globe, there has never been a better time for the Internet and everyone using it especially Drum and Bass listeners.
For a while now many of us have been connecting to websites using 3G and for most of us who have to pay data rates, well, its pretty expensive, here in the UK the prices are as crazy as £1 for 24mb, that wouldn't even get half an hour of decent quality radio, so you can imagine it doesn't take too long for most data tariffs to get used up, and most mobile Internet service providers try to make us abide to a fair usage policy which can be as low as 100-250mb a day :(
But fear not people as 4G is here, and I'm seeing unlimited data packages for mobile devices, which is super cool, the Internet is now literally at our finger tips, and this now brings me to my next point!
IMHO Bassdrive has been the leader of online Drum & Bass radio since day dot, having a plethora of the best artist's and record labels in the industry spinning each and every week, 24 hours a day.
But there is one downside to Bassdrive and that is when you need to go out, your locked in to your favourite show, loving the vibes, the clock is ticking and you cant put it off any longer, you have no choice but to leave and no way of taking the radio with you, so you switch off, talk about depressing.
So for all of you who are moving up a gear or thinking about buying one of those new flashy 4G phones and going all out 4G, make sure you install the Bassdrive app, and get tuned in from anywhere any time of the day or night, and tell your mates about it too, this is an exciting time for Internet radio, once and for all we can tune in and stay tuned in, no more restrictions.
The apps work great on 3G too, but 4G brings a whole new world of Internet connectivity, so make sure your using it wisely and get tuned in now to the Worlds No1 Internet Drum and Bass Radio Bassdrive.com
Heres the Andriod App <
Heres the Iphone App <
Heres the Windows 8 App <
Happy listening and lets all take advantage of the Internet the way it was always supposed to be, every one connected.
Photo and app courtesy of http://www.glennzo.nl/