22 November 2012
For those nostalgic DnB ravers who just cant seem to find the old school sound, have no fear, I think we can now put your minds and hearts at rest with this latest LP by Aural Imbalance a producer hailing from Devon UK, that's down south country folk for those who don't know England so well.
Simon hes been locked away in the studio working hard producing what could be his best work to date, 9 tracks of spaced out intelligent drum and bass, a beautifully crafted album with each track flowing in and out of each other taking you on a deep journey of old school dnb sounds, an eclectic smorgasbord of masterfully detailed atmospheric beats sure to get any old school raver leaning for the volume control and briskly pushing the volume up button.
Movement in sound have once again brought us something different in today's scene, its not in your face, its not blowing your tits off with bass lines, its euphoric synths that will take you on a hypnotic journey refreshing and detoxing your soul, I know a lot of people are yearning for some of the old sounds back, surely this has to quench the thirst of those who say things like "they just dont make them like they used to"
I think we can all agree, they obviously do, this album is proof of that! its top notch and super chilled in my point of view 5 out of 5 stars, loving this and all of MovementinSounds releases, looks like we are in for a treat as lots of new music is planned for 2013.
Just make sure you get this one bagged, it's a movementinsound exclusive mixed cd available to order now for dec 3rd shipping, also there is a special offer to anyone purchasing the mix CD, some time in the new year (2013) all customers who purchase this exclusive mixed CD, will also recieve the seperate MP3 tracks free of charge as the single tracks wont be available until the new year.
Make sure you visit www.movementinsound.com for more info and also check other releases by Aural Imbalance onĀ Beatport.com
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edit: I must apologise for making a mistake in my first post and not doing my research properly, Aural Imbalance was never a duo this latest album was produced by Simon Huxtable only. Simon did make tracks with Dave Parkinson but under another artist name "Innervations".