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As computers get more powerful and science goes deeper and deeper, we are starting to realize we know very little about the universe around us, and the reason to our existence, but slowly some of this is becoming more transparent.

We have known for along time that humans are made up of 60% water, but it has only been recently that we start to understand how water reacts to harmonies, frequencies even our projected thoughts.

Test's have been carried out by Dr Masaru Emoto with frozen water particles and the results were astonishing! The water particles were first analyzed under a microscope, and in normal circumstances they don't look that special, as you might imagine they look just like a globule of water, but when a monk meditated and projected love to these exact same frozen particles, when the scientists checked them again what they saw was out of this world.

The water would change into amazing symmetrical shapes, and different vibrations and thoughts projected at the water would create different shapes, but when negative thoughts like "hate" were projected at them, the symmetrical shapes became all distorted and looked rather horrible.

This science is a huge breakthrough realizing that the water in our body may also react in a similar way, even some ones thoughts projected or spoken to you could effect our physical makeup!

Check out this amazing youtube clip of what Dr Masaru Emoto found during his test's.

This is all starting to sound very weird, and I'm afraid to say it gets a lot weirder, some are saying that projecting 528hz towards our body can in fact repair our dna.

There are 12 different frequencies you should look into they are called the Solfeggio Frequencies, and there is a chance if you listen to them your body will thank you, we have been looking into this for some time, and recommend using tuning forks instead of digital recordings, no matter how good digital is, in my mind digital will never recreate pure sine wave frequencies that we want to experience, if there is something in this, Im sure synthesised frequencies would not do the same!

Knowing that some frequencies can do us good, it is obvious that some will do the opposite, and unfortunately there are some who believe we are being attacked by a specific frequency to make us uncomfortable, paranoid, even ill, you may ask why anyone would want to do this to us, but history has shown right up to this very day, many are willing to carry out evil intentions to the general population to make money, get more control and ultimately more power.

The frequency that is being seen as very bad for us is A=440Hz “standard tuning,” and amazingly this is the same frequency that all instruments have been tuned to for many many years, sparking of a conspiracy to create negativity in our lives, attacking humanity with frequencies that until recently we never realized the power they have.

I am not an expert in music, I have studied as a sound engineer at the SAE London for some time, and have a general understanding of what a sound wave is, and so would rather send you to other sites to get a much better understanding of a subject which you cant deny, has to be very important to us, more important than a lot would like to believe.

Mind over water by Dr Masaru Emoto
Solfeggio Frequencies

Musical Cult Control by Dr Leanord G Horowitz

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